Current Events

We need your help to energize our new 211 Mill Street location! Help us raise enough funds to create a Community Mural that weaves food and art together! You can donate by clicking on the “donate” button at the top right, stopping by Edinboro Market and donating in person, or mail in a donation. Thanks !!!

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned 🙂

Past Events

Farm-to-Table Dinner 2019

THANK YOU! to everyone who attended, contributed ingredients, entertained us, helped to prepare the meal, serve it, or cleanup afterwards! We thoroughly enjoyed your company and the event. Hope to see you at our 2020 Farm to Table dinner – details will be shared as soon as they are complete.

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Farm-to-Table Dinner 2022

THANK YOU! to everyone who attended, contributed ingredients, entertained us, helped to prepare the meal, serve it, or cleanup afterwards! We thoroughly enjoyed your company and the event. Hope to see you at our 2023 Farm to Table dinner – details will be shared as soon as they are complete.

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Farm-to-Table Dinner 2023

THANK YOU! to everyone who attended, contributed ingredients, entertained us, helped to prepare the meal, serve it, or cleanup afterwards! We thoroughly enjoyed your company and the event.  We noticed some of you have attended all 3 of our Farm to Table Dinners!!!  A heartfelt thank you to our sponsors and donors who helped to make it happen.

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Previous Classes Hosted by Edinboro Market

  • Making kombucha
  • Backyard chickens ‘from scratch’
  • Making yogurt and homemade granola
  • The science of chocolate
  • Health benefits of herbs
  • Beekeeping basics
  • Making goat milk soap
  • Square foot gardening
  • Healthy snacks
  • Mighty microgreens
  • Growing and using culinary herbs
  • Tea tasting with Happy Mug
  • Urban foraging
  • Reducing processed foods
  • Making nut butters and milks
  • Coffee tasting with Happy Mug
Fresh. Locally Grown. Edinboro Market.